What is Reiki


Reiki is a form of energy healing that has been used for thousands of years to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. It is a gentle and non-invasive technique that involves the use of hands-on or distance healing to channel life force energy to the recipient.

The word Reiki is derived from two Japanese words: “rei,” which means “universal,” and “ki,” which means “life force energy.” The practice of Reiki was developed by a Japanese spiritual seeker named Mikao Usui in the early 20th century.

Usui was searching for a way to heal himself and others. He embarked on a 21-day meditation retreat on Mount Kurama in Japan. During this retreat, he had a profound spiritual experience in which he received the gift of Reiki. He discovered that he had the ability to channel healing energy through his hands, and he spent the rest of his life sharing this gift with others.

Reiki is based on the principle that all living things are made up of energy. This energy can be harnessed and directed to promote healing and balance. Practitioners of Reiki believe that energy blockages in the body can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual distress. Reiki can help to release these blockages and restore the natural flow of energy in the body.

During a session, the recipient lies, down or sits comfortably while the practitioner places their hands on or just above their body. The practitioner uses a series of hand positions to channel healing energy to the recipient. Different people experience Reiki differently. Some may feel a sense of warmth while others can feel tingling. Most people find Reiki very relaxing.

Energy healing is not limited to the constructs of linear time or location. This means that a practitioner can channel healing energy to a recipient who is located somewhere else in the world. Distance Reiki can be just as effective as hands-on Reiki, and is a convenient option for those who are unable to visit a practitioner in person.

Reiki is a gentle and non-invasive technique that is safe for people of all ages and backgrounds. It can be used to help with a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues, including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and stress.

Reiki is not a substitute for medical care. It is widely used in conjunction with traditional medical treatments to help promote healing and improve overall well-being. It is a valuable tool for self-care. Many people use Reiki to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve their overall quality of life.